How Acupuncture Can Treat PTSD


Today, we spoke with Dr. Hratch Grigoryan PhD Lac DNBAO, our doctor who works on a lien basis at Alpha Omega Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic in Van Nuys and Glendale, about how he uses acupuncture to treat PTSD. Watch Dr. Grigoryan’s Quick Tip Video below or read on for more:

As Dr. Grigoryan says in his Quick Tip video, acupuncture is thought to stimulate nerves under the skin and within muscles. It is thought that it can help to stimulate endorphins and other substances naturally within the body. This can ease the pain in migraines and chronic tension, anxiety, and even help those suffering after a car accident, as in the PTSD cases Dr. Grigoryan mentions.

He explains that there are several points used to treat PTSD that allow chemicals from the brain to release that will relieve tension in the body and nervous system. He also explains that acupuncturists are considered primary care physicians in California, so if you see him or any other acupuncturist who works on a lien after you’ve been injured in an accident, they can refer you to other specialists and / or order MRIs.

So, if you have a client that has been injured in a car accident and is suffering from PTSD, be sure to reach out to Dr. Grigoryan of Alpha Omega Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic or any of our doctors who work on a lien basis to get their expert opinion.