There are countless people who begin experiencing spinal, back, or sciatica pain who aren’t immediately drawn to the idea of surgery as the first treatment option. This is very understandable, as surgery in invasive, comes with downtime, and can become a hassle that interferes with everyday life. We spoke with...
How Adding Laser Therapy into Your Regimen Can Help You Heal Faster
As we discussed last week, after you’ve been injured in a car accident, there is no cut-and-paste solution to proper healing. Each person should refer to a chiropractor and/or specialist about what plan is right for their unique situation. And, no matter what solution exists for your unique case, there...
Quick Stretches to Get Your Body Moving Throughout the Day
Now that we’re right in the swing of fall, I bet you’re starting to feel more stiffness and aches. Whether it’s from back to school, the influx of the cool weather, or just from sitting at your desk too long throughout the day with little movement, fall can regularly bring...
How to Get a Chiropractic Adjustment Without Twisting the Back or the Neck
Let’s address an elephant in the room- many people are afraid to go to the chiropractor because of the fear that can come with getting an adjustment. Some people are afraid of the cracking and twisting. But what if I told you that there is a way to get the...