This is part 4 in a 4 part series about explaining Medical Lien Basics to your client.
We’re wrapping up our series on the basics of a medical lien. As a new marketing rep with Doctors on Liens, I was learning about medical liens myself a short time ago. I hope this perspective helps provide your client with a basic understanding of a lien and how it can help with their recovery and legal case. We’ve discussed what a lien is, how it can help provide important medical treatment, and how to find a doctor on a lien basis. With all the knowledge under our belt, we now turn our attention to the last major question:
What kinds of medical lien treatments are available to your client?
Almost any kind. Check out the Doctors on Liens list of specialites and you’ll see well over a hundred doctors and dozens of specialties including: Chiropractors, Dentists, Massage Therapists, Medical Doctors, Neurologists, Orthopedic Surgeons, Pain Management, Pharmacists, Physical Therapists, Podiatrist, Psychiatrists, Psychologist, and even more.
With our help, finding a qualified doctor who will work on a lien basis should never be a problem. If you and your attorney ever need a hand finding the right doctor or medical professional, don’t hesitate to contact any member of the Doctors On Liens team.
MLB Series Part 1: What Is A Medical Lien?
MLB Series Part 2: Can My Client Refuse Medical Treatment?
MLB Series Part 3: How To Find A Doctor Who Works On A Medical Lien?