According to the American Chiropractic Association, 80 percent of the population in the United States will experience lower back pain at some point in their life. Lower back pain is very common, as we regularly put stress on our lower back by just doing our normal daily habits as we...
How Lasers Can Help with Your Orthopedic Treatment
For today’s Quick Tip Video, we stopped in to see Dr. Bruce Fishman, MD of BKP Medical and Orthopedic Group in Encino and Lancaster, CA. Dr. Fishman explained to us how lasers can actually help with orthopedic treatments and why he utilizes Weber Laser devices when treating his patients. Watch...
Dr. Manuel Urteaga Suggests that the Best Position is the Next Position
Here in our Doctors on Liens blog posts and in our Quick Tip videos, we discuss regularly what could be the best position for you to take while you sit at your desk all day. While some doctors suggest that there is a ‘best’ position for you to take, Dr....
How to Improve the Appearance of Scars as They Heal
We can develop scars from a variety of different personal injury accidents from a car accident to burns to a dog bite. One thing is always true across the board with these scars, however. We want to improve and minimize their appearance as much as possible. We spoke with Dr....