Since the pandemic first began in 2020, many people have been working from home. In fact, working from home has become somewhat of the “new normal” for many companies. I’ve found that by working from home and sitting in a chair staring at a computer all day, you can easily...
The Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
We recently spoke with Dr. Setareh Derakhshan of Your Health in Motion, our chiropractor in Clairemont, California, about something we haven’t spoken a lot about before- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Dr. Derakhshan discussed that her office regularly uses Hyperbaric Chamber Therapy, a chamber that allows patients to breath in pure oxygen...
Simple, Easy Stretches that Can Keep Our Posture Healthy
In today’s day and age, many jobs have us working in front of our computers, whether that be in an office or at home. The more we work at our desks and stare at our computers, the more we begin to slump forward. As we repeat the same movements throughout...
How Flexion Distraction Therapy Could Help You Feel Relief
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, your doctor who works on a lien basis may recommend a variety of different treatment options based on your special case. One of these may very well be Flexion Distraction Therapy. What is Flexion Distraction Therapy? We spoke with Dr. Eric Nepomnaschy,...