A Quick Tip for Lower Back Pain and Gaging How to Manage It


We’ve all experienced lower back pain from time to time. It’s normal for most healthy people to experience a bit of lower back pain from tight muscles after leaning forward or after working out. Periodic pain of this nature, according to most doctors, is generally harmless and not a major cause for concern. But of course, this is always measured on a case-by-case basis, and it’s important to gage how to manage your pain based on its level of severity. Let’s hear from Dr. Sefaradi, MD with Clutch Medical, our doctor who works on a lien basis in Los Angeles and North Hills, about lower back pain. Watch his Quick Tip here below and follow along:

As Dr. Sefaradi explains, lower back pain can make you want to lay in bed all day; however, this is generally a bad idea, as it can make you even stiffer. Instead, it’s usually healthy to give your back a light stretch by getting out and conducting your normal daily activities. He encourages people with minimal lower back pain to get out, go for a light walk, head to the mailbox, conduct their normal activities, and eat as they normally would. If it doesn’t go away or if the pain gets worse, they should see a doctor, such as Dr. Sefaradi, or any of our doctors who work on a lien basis, especially if the pain is following a car accident or injury.

However, if your pain is more than minimal, especially if you can’t feel your bowels or your bladder, it could be something much more serious, such as cauda equina, a syndrome that occurs when there is a dysfunction of lumbar and sacral nerve roots, and Dr. Sefaradi suggests you immediately go to the doctor to ensure that is not the case and/or there is a worse problem.

All in all, if you’ve been injured in an accident, be sure to get the help you need from one of our doctors on liens.