How The Heck Did I Hurt My Neck?: The Mechanics of Whiplash

Whiplash. We all know the deal, right.  You get in a rear end collision, the head snaps back and forth, and the neck hurts like heck.

But do you know what really happens and why the victims are in so much pain?  I never really knew the mechanics of it, and maybe as a personal injury legal professional you don’t quite either. That’s why you should check out this video courtesy of the Accident Injury Centers of Atlanta.  Not only can it increase the empathy you undoubtedly feel for your clients, but it’s a valuable tool for explaining to them just how complex and serious their injuries may be.

Of course, Doctors on Liens has all the doctors your client needs throughout Central and Southern California.   Just use our simple search feature to find the right doctor to treat and diagnose your client’s whiplash injuries in addition to any other injuries they may be suffering.