MedX is The New Rx for Back Pain

Dr. Larry Herring DC - MedX for Lower Back Pain

Doctors on Liens has an exceptional array of chiropractors who work on a lien basis, including many with unique treatments and modalities which can be fine-tuned to the specific needs of each patient.

Dr. Larry Herring DC of Herring Chiropractic in Rancho Bernardo employs MedX Cervical Extension and Lumbar Extension equipment to create a comprehensive rehabilitation program that is extremely effective.

Dr. Herring’s website states that “MedX machines that are specially designed to provide the most effective means of isolating, safely testing, and directly strengthening the muscles in the low back and neck. The MedX program also incorporates general strength and fitness building activities.”

Per the MedX website, “Research shows that specific spinal strengthening exercises using the MedX Lumbar and Cervical Extension Machines help people get better, even after multiple failed attempts at other forms of treatment.”

More than 75 published articles in peer-reviewed journals tout the benefits provided by MedX, Please contact Dr. Larry Herring DC if you have a client in the Rancho Bernardo area in need of physical rehabilitation services.