How to Keep Your Shoulder Posture Upright  


For today’s blog post and quick tip of the day, we’re bringing it back to the basics. We’ve mentioned it a little bit before, but I feel this topic is too important to not discuss again. What am I talking about? Our posture! With technology ruling our lives and the constant need to be on the phone or the computer, we can regularly find ourselves slouching forward and bringing our heads down to look at our screens. This is, of course, terrible for our shoulder posture. Well, we spoke with Dr. Henry Oyharcabal DC with Atlas Health Center in the Marina District of San Francisco, and he gave us a quick and easy tip to help prevent this.

Read on below for more or follow along with Dr. Oyharacabal’s Quick Tip Video here:


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Dr. Oyharacabal mentions that the two main groupings of people he sees at Atlas Health Center in San Francisco are car accident victims and techies. While seeing that many techies may surprise you, just consider how long tech people sit in front of their computers staring at a screen. If they stop thinking about their posture and move their head and neck forward every day, this can cause constant problems and pain.

Dr. Oyharacabal says that to prevent needing care from bad posture, try to maintain the regular healthy curvature of your neck by keeping your shoulders back and your back straight. He recommends the following to counteract bad shoulder and neck posture. Whenever you need to do something on the computer or phone, instead of dropping your head down to look at it, bring your item (computer screen or phone) to head level. This is as simple as setting up your computer at a comfortable height and bringing your phone to your face when you need to use it instead of looking down.

If you find yourself looking at a computer screen each day and suffering from pain in your neck or shoulders as a result, think about visiting Dr. Oyharacabal at Atlas Health Center or any of our doctors who work on a lien basis to help provide you with the care you need.