Should You Get the COVID-19 Vaccine If You Have Already Had COVID?


Since COVID-19 is still so new, there is a lot of misinformation circling around about it. It gets extremely complicated when thinking about getting the COVID vaccine when you have already have COVID-19. Many reports are telling us that you can’t get COVID twice. Others claim that it IS possible to get COVID more than once. So, who’s right? What do you do? Should you get the COVID-19 vaccine if you have previously had COVID? With all the conflicting information out there, we went straight to the source at the CDC to get all the necessary tips.

The CDC does, in fact, recommend getting a COVID-19 vaccine even if you have already tested positive for COVID in the past. This makes sense, as with all the mismatching information out there, wouldn’t you rather be safe than sorry? The CDC continues to add that you should wait at least 3 days after showing symptoms and/or wait through your entire isolation period before receiving the vaccine after testing positive. The reason for this is that the CDC is reporting that your natural immunity to COVID seems to be weaker than a vaccinated immunity. In other words, the vaccine supposedly has a better chance of keeping you from getting COVID again.

Remember, as we previously noted, it’s important to still socially distance and wear your mask even after begin vaccinated, as you could still potentially transfer COVID-19 to people even though you have immunity.

It’s a scary time out there. The world is changing. Be sure you keep yourself as safe as possible by staying up-to-date and keeping yourself in the loop with all the CDC guidelines. And during this time, if you are injured and need a doctor who works on a lien basis who follows the CDC guidelines, be sure to check out our list of qualified medical professionals who work on a lien basis.